Ultrasound 2024, Day 1 - Plenary 1
- 09.30 Bowel ultrasound for generalist- Ruth Reeve
- 10.20 A Generalists’ Guide To Bowel Pathology- Nigel Grunshaw
- 11.30 Vascular Flow Patterns Assessment & Application in the Renal Transplant- Peter cantin
- 11:55 Congenital disease renal ultrasound- Louise Hattingh
- 12:20 Sonographic assessment of urinary tract tumours- James Burn
- 14.00 Ultrasound Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma- Ben Stenberg
- 14.25 The Paediatric Abdominal Mass- Tom Watson
- 16.45 AGM Treasurer report- Piero Miloro