Case Study Guidelines
Author Details
Abstracts not following these guidelines may be declined
- The primary author will be the author who receives all communications relating to the abstract.
- In the 'Add Additional Authors' tab, please enter the names and details of ALL authors, in the order they are to appear in the published abstract. Please include their place of work in full.
- Please indicate who will be the presenting author, if different from the first/primary author.
Case Study Abstract
Abstracts not following these guidelines may be declined
- Use no more than 300 words for the abstract.
- Please structure the Case Study to include the following information:
- Background
- Case Summary
- The abstract should be submitted through the online form and not uploaded as a written document.
- The abstract process is anonymous; none of the supporting documents should identify the authors.
- Please spellcheck your abstract. What you write in your abstract is what is published.
Presenting your work at Ultrasound 2024
Speakers should aim for a talk of no longer than 4 minutes, allowing 1 minute for questions. Presenters will be asked to stop if the allotted time is exceeded.
- The presentation should include background, case report, relevant images and discussion/outcome.
- Any literature quoted should be referenced at the foot of the slide or at the end slide.
Speaker Guidelines from our AV company will be available nearer the event.
The abstract of your talk will be printed in the Final Programme and online on the BMUS website.