BMUS Webinar Library

Below are a selection of Webinar's recorded as part of our #WebinarWednesday Programme. They are now available to members only as a member only benefit. 


WEBINAR: Physics FRCR Part 1 Revision - 5th March 2025, Dr Barry Ward and Dr Sian Curtis

Top Tips in Head and Neck Ultrasound - Mrs Catherine Kirkpatrick (Member only)

Microflow Imaging of Liver Lesions - Prof Adrian Lim (Member only)

Covid-19 and the Ultrasound Department - Mrs Pam Parker (Member only)

How to manage the incidental non-palpable testicular mass - Dr Simon Freeman (Member only)

MSK Part 1 (Member only)

  • Patella Tendon Complete Tear
    Mrs Sophie Cochran, United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trust

  • Ultrasound in Crystal Arthropathies
    Mrs Kate Smith, NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre

Giant Cell Arteritis - Miss Borsha Sarker (Member only)

Case Studies in Gynaecology Ultrasound - Mr Jonathan Guarghan (Member only)

Paediatric Testicular Ultrasound - by Mrs Kate Park from Children’s Hospital, Oxford University NHS Foundation Trust (Member only)

Disinfection of ultrasound transducers - what practitioners need to know - Prof Susan Campbell Westerway

An incremental approach to implementing QA - by Dr Nick Dudley (Members only)

The Hip Joint in Children – Neonate to Teenager - by Dr Jeannette Kraft (Members only)

MSK Part 2 (Member only)

  • Sagittal Band - The Forgotten Strucutre
    Mr Mark Charnock, Sheffiled Teaching Hospitals

  • Interesting Case: Case of Lateral Ankle Pain
    Mrs Sophie Cochran, United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trust

BMUS 2020 Re-Imagined Webinars

The use of ultrasound in Rheumatology - by Dr Muhamad Jasim and Miss Alison Hall (Members only)  

How to perform and interpret uterine artery Doppler in the second trimester - by Miss Alexandra Drought (Member only)

The Groin - Pain and Pathology - by Oliver Wilding, Andrew Longmead, Keith Gunning and Khalida Jan (Member only)

MSK Case Studies Part 3 (Member only)

  • Scapholunate Ligament (SLL) Tear,
    Mrs Sophie Cochran, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

  • Sarcoma or Haematome a difficult decision,
    Mark Chapman Sheffield Teaching Hospitals 

Vascular Ultrasound - Help I dont do arms - by Borsha Sarker, Simon Richards and Bob Jarman (Member only)

The Ever-Changing Face Of The Sonographer - Miss Shaunna Smith

The Diagnosis of Endometriosis - The-Transition-to-Expert - Dr Susanne Johnson, Ms Natalia Rosello, Ms Glenda Terblanche (Open Access for March is Endometriosis Month 2024)

Plantar Plate Injuries - Dr Syed Ali (Member only)

The Hull and East Riding Rapid Diagnostic Service - Mrs Pam Parker, Mrs Tami Byass, Dr Oliver Byass, Dr Vincent Rawcliffe

Focused Abdominal Ultrasound GB and Biliary Tree - Mr Sanjay Tarabagil, Stephen Moore, Dr James Cast (Member only)

CT or ultrasound in patients with macro and microscopic haematuria? - Dr Allen Ikwuagwu (Member only)

Gynaecologists Tale - Mr Jonathan Guarghan (Member only)

Imaging of Salivary Glands Ultrasound and Beyond - Gitta Madani (Member only)

Advanced ultrasound in hand trauma - Nicki Delves (Member only)

Obstetrics lectures from the Australasian Sonographers Association (Member only)

Previous Caesarean Section - Dr Trish Chudleigh and Mrs Ellen Dyer (Member Only)

Vascular lectures from the Australasian Sonographers Association (Member Only)

RIF Pain - Is it appendicitis (Member Only)

Paediatrics Lectures from the Australasian Sonographers Association (Member Only)

Urgent Assessment of Patients Presenting with TIA (Member Only)

General Medical Lectures from the Australasian Sonographers Association (Member Only)

Common Diffuse Conditions of the Liver - Ben Stenburg and Laura Jopson (Available for April 2023 for Liver month) 

Sarcoma Cannot Be Excluded - Geoff Hyde and Maniram Ragbir (Member Only)

Liver Appearances in Children and Adults - From Ultrasound 2019 archive (Member Only)

Placenta Accreta Spectrum - Miss Alexandra Drought and Miss Louise Page (Member Only)

Everything you need to know about the Endometrium - Alison Smith and Jonathan Gaughran (Member Only)

To FNA or not to FNA? -Khalida Jan, Hamid Toghyan and Simon Richards  (Member Only) 

Bowel Ultrasound- Richard Beable and Nigel Grunshaw (Member Only)

Advanced Practice- Hazel Edwards (Member Only) 

Sonographer Wellbeing and support - Dr Judith Johnson and Ms Emily Skelton (Member Only)

Bosniak and beyond: Renal cyst classification - Dr Roger Moshy and Dr Amina Odeh

Unexpected Findings in Pregnancy; How to Manage the Patient AND Yourself - Roxanne Sicklen, Rachel Small, Prof Nicholas Embleton

Obstetrics Refresher Webinar - 2 talks - Disentangling the Cardiac Outflow Tracts’ and Beyond Obstetric Ultrasound - from Ultrasound 2022

Cross-sectional Imaging Correlation for Sonographers- Shaunna Smith and Gerry Johnson. 

Webinar: RSI and WRULD in Sonographers- Julie Burnage, Vivien Gibbs

Point-of-Care Ultrasound Imaging of the Heart and IVC - Dr David Oxborough, Dr Mateusz Zawadka

Physics and Safety in Ultrasound (part linked with obstetrics) - Prashant Verma, Piero Miloro, Pat Duffin, Christoph Lees