September is Ergonomics Month

28th Aug 2024

In partnership with the Australasian Sonographers Association (ASA), The Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS), and Sonography Canada, we are pleased to provide a variety of free access education and learning resources.

BMUS is working in partnership throughout the month of September to provide a selection of educational resources focusing on Ergonomics. We will be highlighting the prevention and management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs), which are known to be associated with ultrasound practice.

We have come together with the ASA, SDMS and Sonography Canada to provide a range of resources free of charge to ultrasound communities across the world. They include Posters, Journal Articles, Webinars, and Podcasts all in one place. 

These resources will be available until 30th September 2024



Journal Articles

WRMSD – Longitudinal Study Collection Series - Review 7 articles on WRMSD

Scheduling Ultrasound Examinations to Reduce the Risk of WRMSDs in Sonographers

Can Teaching Ultrasound Ergonomics to Ultrasound Practitioners Reduce White Knuckles and Transducer Grip Force?



Journal Articles

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in ultrasound: Can you reduce risk?

Guidelines for Professional Ultrasound Practice - SOR & BMUS 2023


The Value of Participatory Ergonomics in Reducing Work-Related Pain in Sonographers




RESPite. Reducing Sonographer Pain through ergonomics education 

Stretching for Sonographers

The Importance of Wellness Practices for Sonographers

Reducing Injury to Sonographers

Educational Videos

Ultrasound Ergonomics


Fernwood Discussion on Sonographer Health, Fitness and Wellness

Journal Articles

Sonography Journal - Knowledge and use of work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMSD) prevention techniques in the daily practice of final-year Australian sonography students: A cross-sectional study

Sonography Journal - The incidence of Australian private practice sonographers moving patients unassisted and their level of training: A pilot study

Sonography Journal - The incidence and distribution of musculoskeletal disorders in final-year Australian sonography students on clinical placement

Sonography Journal - Prevalence, risks, underlying mechanisms, preventative guidelines, and interventions of sonographer work-related injuries: A literature review

Sonography Journal - Musculoskeletal pain and injury in sonographers, causes and solutions


Prevent Injury - Posture

Stretching in the workplace - Back and Neck

Stretching in the workplace - Arms and Shoulders


Sonography Canada 


CADTH Health Technology Review:  General Ultrasound Examination Volumes per Sonographer 8-Hour Workday, February 2024


Ergonomic Best Practices in Ultrasound

Best Practice Ergonomics for Echocardiography

Scan Safe - Best Practice Ergonomics for the Vascular Leg and Obstetric Scans

Preventing Injury – Scanning the Obese Patient


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