Benefits of Membership

  • Membership of a truly multidisciplinary society fostering the exchange of information and ideas between its members.
  • A copy of the quarterly 'Ultrasound' journal - the official journal of the British Medical Utlrasound Society - Ultrasound covers all aspects of medical ultrasound, from the theoretical through to clinical applications and their impact on both workforce and patients. The journal fulfils both an educational and a scientific research role and publishes a mixture of invited review articles, current research and descriptions of new techniques and equipment. 

  • Complimentary registration to the BMUS webinar programme and its back catalogue.

  • Quarterly BMUS newsletter giving information about the Society's meetings, committees, activities and diary dates.

  • Free online access to the full back catalogue of the 'Ultrasound' journal and 'BMUS Bulletin'.

  • Gain continuing professional development opportunities via our online CPD portal

  • Access to professional guidance documents

  • Access to the diagnosis for the 'Interesting Cases' Library

  • Reduced registration fees at the  BMUS Annual Scientific Meeting and the special topic meetings run by the society; 

  • As a member of BMUS you will also be a member of EFSUMB  and WFUMB, and can enjoy the benefits of both societies including reduced registration fees at meetings organised by WFUMB and EFSUMB

  • Eligibility to have a published paper considered for the annual EFSUMB Best Published Paper Prize (dependent on meeting the criteria)

  • Eligibility to apply to become a member of BMUS Council or a member of one of the Society's Committees.

  • Eligibility to apply for the society's grant programme and to influence the Society's affairs by voting at the AGM.

  • BMUS Student Members are eligible to join the Student/Trainee Volunteer Programme, which enables students to attend study days for free.

Click here for joining costs