Useful Resources Page
See below for some useful resources. If you can not find what you are looking for here please see our Clinical Protocols and Guidelines pages for more documents

Career and Progression Framework
Outline of Career and Progression Framework with explanatory notes

Patient Consent Letter
If you are considering writing a clinical case report for submission to Ultrasound, patient consent is required. BMUS offers a suggested template which you may wish to customise and use locally.

Pause & Check A3
‘Have you paused and checked?’ This poster acts as a ready reminder of the checks that need to be made when any ultrasound examination is undertaken.

Peer Review Audit Tool
The tool enables practitioners to systematically review the standards of their own and their peers imaging and reports. Whilst the clinical audit process is subjective the BMUS recommended tool enables a standard process to be undertaken by all practitioners involved within the service.

Directory of CASE Accredited Courses 2021 - 22
A directory of all CASE Accredited Courses is published and updated annually. It contains standardised information on all UK and Ireland ultrasound education programmes that hold current CASE accreditation.