Preceptorship Endorsement Scheme
What is the BMUS Preceptorship Endorsement Scheme?
This is a simple scheme that aims to recognise departments that are able to offer a supportive environment for ultrasound practitioners of all grades and experience. By aligning with principles set out in the BMUS Preceptorship and Capability Framework for Sonographers, the scheme provides departments with a useful checklist of essential and desirable criteria associated with best practice and equitable staff management. It helps managers and ultrasound leads identifiy how well they are supporting staff and highlights areas where they may be able to improve.
Why apply to be endorsed?
The scheme has been designed to help departmental managers and ultrasound leads support, develop and retain their valuable workforce.
Securing BMUS endorsement may assist departments preparing for Care Quality Commission inspections or in preparing applications for accreditation such as The Quality Standard for Imaging accreditation.
Key scheme details
To apply for endorsement there is a fee of £300 (+VAT). If the application is successful, the endorsement lasts for a full 3 years. If your application is initially unsuccessful you will receive full feedback from the BMUS Endorsement Panel and will be given opportunity to resubmit evidence. The scheme is equally applicable to both NHS and independent providers of diagnostic ultrasound services.
How to apply
Please send your expression of interest to Once this has been received, we will contact you and send the checklist and accompanying template to complete, and an invoice will be raised and sent to your department.
You will have 30 days to complete the template, submit evidence of the required documents, and to either pay for the scheme or provide a Purchase Order.
Once you have submitted your evidence, our Panel will respond with a decision within 30 days. If your evidence satisfies the BMUS criteria, we will send you a formal Certificate of Endorsement and a stamp to add to your departmental emails, signatures and job adverts.
Ultrasound Departments that have gained the BMUS Certificate of Endorsement
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust,
- The James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Newham General Hospital
- Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
- The Royal London Hospital - Barts NHS Trust
- Whipps Cross Hospital
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- North Cumbria Integrated Care
- Liverpool Womens Hospital
Many congratulations to the Ultrasound Departments at these Trusts, which have met the BMUS criteria for providing a working environment that meets the needs of staff of all grades.

Preceptorship Endorsement Scheme Guideline

Template for Submission of Evidence
Full editable template will be sent on application