Other Meetings & Events

This page contains information on courses, conference and training events which have come to our notice. This is not a comprehensive list of courses and if you do not find what you are looking for on this or the BMUS Study Day page, an internet search may also assist you.

The courses listed below are not run by BMUS and we have no involvement in their organisation or programme content. BMUS takes no responsibility for these events and if you have a query regarding one of these courses, please contact the programme organiser directly.

APRIL 2025

South West Ultrasound Group Study Day

Location: Post Graduate Centre, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth

Date: 5th April 2025

Event Summary:   Ultrasound Liver Segmental Anatomy with practical demonstration

Focal Liver Pathology

What Hepatologist wants to know from the scan.

Ultrasound Acute Biliary Pathology 

Ultrasound Interesting Testicular Pathologies

Endometriosis from a patient’s perspective

Ultrasound Features of Endometriosis

What the Gynaecologist wants to know from the scan

Adnexal Pathology and classification

Quiz .

Target Audience: Radiology Registrars, Sonographers and Student Sonographers.

Lunch and Refreshments provided.

Fees: £40.00

To Register Contact: jo.dunn@nhs.net

GE Healthcare - Education Day in conjunction with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Clinical Application of Ultrasound Contrast Media - How Why & When

Location: Maple Room, W12 Conferences, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS

Date: 15th April 2025

Event Summary: Education Day understanding the Clinical Application of Contrast Media.  Understanding the physics of contrast media and the Ultrasound findings of different lesions and pathology.

Clinical Speakers: Dr Chris Harvey, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Professor Adrian Lim, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Claire Alldred, Promotional Speraker Account Manager Bracco

Booking Link: https://gehealthcare.jifflenow.com/external-request/ukiclubs2025/meeting-request?token=1c4a2d6fee38bdced384&topic_name=Clinical%20Application%20of%20Contrast%20Media



MAY 2025 

Vascular Ultrasound Imaging course

Location: Birmingham

Date: 13-14th May 2025

Event Summary: 14 CPD points in accordance with the RCR CPD scheme
Join us for an intensive two day, socially distanced course on the application of duplex, pulsed wave, colour and power Doppler techniques in the investigation of the abdominal, extra and intra-cranial and Peripheral vasculature.


Theory lectures are supported by practical hands-on scanning workshops, facilitated by our expert faculty. The lectures cover the basic principles of techniques and a review of the current state of ultrasound arteriography and venography, whilst the practical workshops provide 1:1 supervised scanning opportunities in small groups.

Topics include: 

Haemodynamics and Doppler Ultrasound, Lower limb arteries, Investigation carotid and vertebral arteries, Superficial venous system, Intracranial vasculature, Lower Limb Deep venous system, Ultrasound in surgical procedures, Upper limb vasculature, Ultrasound imaging in surgery, Aorta and branches, Stent and graft surveillance, Ultrasound monitoring of haemodialysis, Artefacts and errors.

Clinical lectures include:

  • Normal vasculature and variants
  • Examination protocols
  • Currently accepted diagnostic criteria
  • Case histories
  • Pitfalls in interpretation

There will also be the opportunity to practice EVLA ultrasound guided simulation with phantom under the guidance of a experienced vascular surgeon.

All delegates are invited to the complementary course dinner on Tuesday 13th May.

Booking Link: https://www.wessexdiagnostic.com/courses/vascular-ultrasound-imaging-course/

Event Programme Link: https://www.wessexdiagnostic.com/courses/vascular-ultrasound-imaging-course/ 


MAY 2025

World Wide Radiology Study Day - Infectious Diseases and Diagnostic Imaging in Global Health

Event Location: The Tapestry, 68-76 Kempston Street, Liverpool, L3 8HL

Event Date: 15th May 2025 9AM - 4PM - Food & Drinks 4PM - 6PM

Event Fees: £100 Consultant doctors
                     £50 Allied health professionals and junior doctors
                     £25 Students

Event Description: The day will offer a variety of presentations aimed at imaging professionals and clinicians with an interest in ID and Global Health, including topics such as:
“Tuberculosis: Clinical and Imaging Update”,

“The role of Imaging in Low Resource settings”

“Point of Care ultrasound in Ghana, experience from the front
We are inviting speakers from across our international partner network. The day will be followed by a casual
get together, allowing participants to meet, share their own experiences and learn more about Worldwide
Join us for a day of insightful sessions, professional growth, and community building in the heart of
Liverpool. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your understanding of Infectious diseases and of the role of Diagnostic Imaging in Global Health, while connecting with like-minded professionals.
Please note that lunch, snacks and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
This event will provide continuing professional development in infectious diseases (ID) & Diagnostic
Imaging in the context of Global Health 

Event Booking Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wwr-study-day-infectious-diseases-and-diagnostic-imaging-in-global-health-tickets-913977560487?aff=oddtdtcreator

JUNE 2025 

NEOBUS - NEOnatal Bedside UltraSound course

Event Location: Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Date: 6th June 2025 – 1 day course

Event Booking Link:https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/courses/cpd-approved-course/neobus-neonatal-bedside-ultrasound-course

Email Amiel.billetop@nbt.nhs.uk if interested in a place

Event Fees: £240.00

Event Details:  

The NeoBUS course is a one-day course that focuses on the practical application of bedside ultrasonography in neonates with a focus on ‘hands-on’ learning. It is approved as an activity for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).  The aim of the course is to help clinicians develop skills and confidence in bedside ultrasound assessment of the neonate. You will learn how to scan the heart, lungs, and abdomen and how to use ultrasound to identify and place intravenous lines. Short talks will be followed by workshops helping to familiarise candidates in small group teaching with available techniques and equipment. You will be scanning babies as well as the BabyWorks manikin. GE Medical Systems Ltd supply us with ultrasound machines for the course. 

Topics covered:

Basic ultrasound physics and machine orientation.

Application of ultrasound to identify line tip position.

Ultrasound guided vascular access.

Cardiac ultrasound

Lung ultrasound

Abdominal/Renal ultrasound 

Audience: The course is aimed at Neonatal consultants and trainees (who are in speciality training or have an interest in speciality) and advanced neonatal nurse practitioners.

EUROSON SCHOOL - How to incorporate CEUS into your imaging practice

London Adult CEUS School

Location: Kings College Hospital London

Date: 18th - 19th June 2025

Fees: Regular Delegate 18th £200, 19th £200, Both days including Dinner on the 18th June £360

           Trainees & Sonographers (proof of trainee sonographer status will be required) 18th £90, 19th £90, Both days includes dinner £180

            Medical Students (proof of student status will be required)  18th £50, 19th £50, Both days £50 ~ Dinner tickets can be purchased for an additional £60 for 3 courses inc. wine.

Event Boooking Link & Course Programme: https://efsumb.org/adultceus-london2025/


EFSUMB Student & Resident Summer School 2025

Location: Berlin, Germany

Date: 4th - 6th September 2025

EFSUMB invite you to participate in the very first EFSUMB summer school in Berlin from September 4 - 6, 2025 in Hotel Aquino, very close to the vibrant city center of Berlin and the famous Charité hospital with links to names such as Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch and Ferdinand Sauerbruch. 

The program with its two levels is designed for real beginners, but also for medical students and young residents with some basic experience in ultrasound. EFSUMB have included many live demonstrations and hands-on sessions in the program, which will combine learning with entertainment, interactive cases, brainstorming, exchange of views and experiences, and learning how to teach your fellow students. EFSUMB warmly invite you to join them for the next step of our Young EFSUMB project!

Course cost - 150 EURO Student fee or 200 EURO Resident fee inclusive of 2.5 day course and social programme

Booking Link: https://efsumb-studentschool.org/register/

Event Programme Link: https://efsumb-studentschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/summer_school_fullprogramme23-01-25F-compressed.pdf


NEOBUS - NEOnatal Bedside UltraSound course

Event Location: Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Date: 5th December 2025 – 1 day course

Event Booking Link:https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/courses/cpd-approved-course/neobus-neonatal-bedside-ultrasound-course

Email Amiel.billetop@nbt.nhs.uk if interested in a place

Event Fees: £240.00

Event Details:  

The NeoBUS course is a one-day course that focuses on the practical application of bedside ultrasonography in neonates with a focus on ‘hands-on’ learning. It is approved as an activity for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).  The aim of the course is to help clinicians develop skills and confidence in bedside ultrasound assessment of the neonate. You will learn how to scan the heart, lungs, and abdomen and how to use ultrasound to identify and place intravenous lines. Short talks will be followed by workshops helping to familiarise candidates in small group teaching with available techniques and equipment. You will be scanning babies as well as the BabyWorks manikin. GE Medical Systems Ltd supply us with ultrasound machines for the course. 

Topics covered:

Basic ultrasound physics and machine orientation.

Application of ultrasound to identify line tip position.

Ultrasound guided vascular access.

Cardiac ultrasound

Lung ultrasound

Abdominal/Renal ultrasound 

Audience: The course is aimed at Neonatal consultants and trainees (who are in speciality training or have an interest in speciality) and advanced neonatal nurse practitioners.