Oral Presentation Guidelines
Speakers should aim for a talk of no longer than 8 minutes, allowing 2 minutes for questions. Presenters will be asked to stop if the allotted time is exceeded. Please note interesting/ unusual cases have a 4 minute limit with 1 minute for questions. Young Investigator presenters have 12 minutes, with 3 for questions.
The presentation should outline the aim of the study, the methodology, discuss the results, with any relevant statistics and/or images in context and draw the talk to a conclusion with any recommendations for clinical or scientific practice.
- Any literature quoted should be referenced at the foot of the slide or at the end slide.
- Marks will be awarded by session chairs.
- The presentation style, timekeeping, overall quality of presentation and ability to deal with questions will be taken into consideration when judging oral presentations.
The abstract of your talk will be printed in the Final Printed Programme, in an online supplement in the Ultrasound journal, and online on the BMUS website.