BMUS Awards for 2023
Each year at Our Annual Scientific Meeting we acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Ultrasound community with an number of awards. Full information of these is set out below.
BMUS Best Oral Presentation
Accepted oral abstract presentations are judged in terms of both scientific content and quality of presentation. The aim of the award is to support activities in the field of medical ultrasound, which advance the work or personal development of the winner. The winning presenters will be encouraged to submit their work for publication in the BMUS journal, Ultrasound, and to provide a short report showing how the award was used. The awards are decided once the conference has been concluded. Winners will be advised in January 2024 and will be announced in the BMUS Newsletter 2024.
1st Prize £200 plus complimentary BMUS 2024 membership.
Runner up £50 plus complimentary BMUS 2024 membership.
BMUS Best Posters Presentation
The Poster Awards are presented to the best Poster in the categories of:
- Scientific Poster
- Case Report Poster
- Clinical Poster
Judged by the 2023 Scientific Organising Committee on both content and presentation style, the winning Poster Presentations will be announced at the Winter Ball on Wednesday 6th December.
1st Prize £100 plus complimentary BMUS 2024 membership for each category.
BMUS Young Investigator
Chosen Oral submissions will be accepted from presenters under 39 years of age. The winning presentation, selected by an esteemed panel of judges, will be awarded the prestigious title of ‘BMUS Young Investigator 2023’. The winner of this award will be announced at the Winter Ball on Wednesday 6th December.
The winner will represent the UK at the EUROSON 2024 Congress in Naples, Italy with the opportunity to win the ‘European Young Investigator’ title and one of the two possible cash prizes totalling €3000
BMUS Champion of the Year
This award supersedes the Sonographer of the Year and is more representative of our membership.
The aim of this award is to celebrate the outstanding contributions made by BMUS Members to the field of Medical Ultrasound, and BMUS asks for nominations for those who go above and beyond as well as being good at their job. Submissions should be made using the form below and submitted to Emma Tucker (
The deadline for nominations is 30th September 2023.
Suitable candidates should:
- Ensure that patients are placed at the heart of service delivery.
- Go above and beyond to develop and maintain excellence in their field of ultrasound.
- Support and inspire others.
- Encourage the education and development of others.
The winner will be announced at the Ultrasound Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 Winter Ball being held on 6th December in York