Presenting your work at Ultrasound 2024

Reasons for presenting your work at Ultrasound 2024

The Ultrasound 2024 programme is made up of invited speakers and proffered papers. We ask you to consider submitting your work to Ultrasound 2024 to be one of these proffered papers. The BMUS Annual Scientific Meeting has always been a place to present your work in a comfortable environment with like-minded individuals.   

  • Successful paper/poster abstracts will be published as an online supplement with the Ultrasound journal and will be listed in PubMed Central.
  • The successful paper/poster abstracts will be published in the final printed programme.
  • The opportunity to win awards and prizes for the best poster or oral presentation.
  • Highly discounted delegate fees to attend Ultrasound 2024 are offered to successful presenters.
  • Presenters will have the opportunity to have their research published in full in the BMUS journal, Ultrasound.
  • Oral presentations from presenters under 39 years of age will be automatically considered for the prestigious BMUS Young Investigator Session.
  • Each presenter will receive a certificate from BMUS stating that their research, poster or case study was presented at the meeting.

Please read the guidelines at the bottom of this page when submitting your abstract. Please note that abstracts not following these guidelines may be declined.

How to submit your work for Ultrasound 2024

We invite you to submit material as an abstract for consideration by the Organising Committee for either poster, oral or case study presentations at Ultrasound 2024.

Oral Presentation – This is an 8-minute talk with an additional 2 minutes for questions in one of the plenary sessions. Anyone submitting work in this category is eligible for the Best Oral Presentation Award. If you are under the age of 40, you will be automatically entered for the Young Investigators sessions. 

Poster Presentation – At the conference there will be a display section in the exhibition. All the posters will be presented here in printed format. They will also be requested digitally to make up a section on the conference app. 

Case Study Presentation – This is a 4-minute talk with 1 minute for questions in one of the plenary sessions.

At the bottom of this page is a link to the BMUS Abstract Portal. Here you will be asked to complete all the details required to submit your work. Please make sure the abstract you submit is spell-checked and proofread. All successful abstracts are published in the online version of the BMUS journal, Ultrasound. 

Please submit your work by midnight on 31st July 2024. 

Guidelines for submitting your work

For full guidelines on each type of abstract, click the link below. Please take a moment to read these guidelines and follow them. Abstracts not following these guidelines may be declined.

Deadline for General Abstract submissions is 31st July 2024

Deadline for Student and Trainee submissions is 15th September 2024

(This abstract is for Student, Trainees and those is the early part of their career only)